An application for managing smart fire alarm devices
UI/UX Design
Motion Design 
Mobile Application
In a world where safety is paramount, the need for a reliable and efficient fire alarm system has never been greater. With Firesmart, you are always connected to the safety of your surroundings. Receive real-time alerts on your smartphone, ensuring that you're informed the moment a potential fire hazard is detected.
Designing a fire alarm app comes with several challenges, primarily centered around ensuring the app effectively fulfills its critical role in alerting and safeguarding users in emergency situations. Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial, especially during emergency situations where users need to quickly interpret information. Balancing comprehensive monitoring features with simplicity is a challenge to avoid overwhelming users.
I'm design a clean and simple interface to reduce cognitive load during emergency situations. Prioritize key actions prominently on the screen, such as acknowledging alarms or contacting emergency services. Implement a color scheme that conveys urgency without causing panic. Red for alerts and muted tones for background elements, strong color contrast to ensure important information stands out, making it easily visible to users.
Design Direction 
The project lasted more than 2 months with more than 50+ screens with global style and 100+ components.
Currently, the application is still in the process of being developed and applying for a license to use from the Ministry of Public Security in Vietnam. It is expected that the application will be released at the end of the second quarter of 2024
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